Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Woodward and Bernstein they ain't.

Whatever sports writers, baseball writers in particular, are, they are not journalists and they sure as heck are not investigative reporters.

On the MLB Network today before the Hall of Fame announcement Brian Kenny was hosting a discussion with some writers.  One, Jon Heyman, said that he and his fellow writers should have done more to report on steroid use by the players.  Tom Verducci then stated that prior to the 1998 season he had asked Mark McGwire if he used steroids and that McGwire denied it.

That was it.  Verducci had done his job.  What else could he possibly have done?  The conversation moved on.  I was flabbergasted that a writer would say something that silly and not be challenged.  Hey, Tom, didn't you do any investigating?  No follow up.  None.

Obviously for baseball writers this is what passes for investigative reporting, the phrase made famous by the two lead Watergate reporters.  No heavy lifting here.  Just ask the player and go get some free food from his team in the clubhouse.


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