Saturday, October 5, 2013 unanswered message to its leader.


(a non-profit Corporation
in the State of Delaware)

As Amended June 29, 2006

The registered agent of the Corporation, Inc. (the "Corporation”), shall be David W. Smith, and the registered office shall be located at 20 Sunset Road, City of Newark, New Castle County, State of Delaware.

David Smith is listed as the one and only president from 1994 through 2014.

Since 2004 these are the only officers:

David Smith
Clem Comly
David Vincent
Luke Kraemer
Tom Ruane

2013 photo.

from: Ken Matinale
to: "David W. Smith"
date: Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 8:44 AM
subject: Retrosheet Tools

Any plans to get proper funding and resources and create a modern system for public access and data input and verification?

Oracle is flush, especially after winning the America's Cup yacht race.  Google does mass digitizing.  You've got to move beyond DOS and microfilm.

Where are paper documents stored?  Hopefully not in your garage and/or basement.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012  Retrosheet: keeper of the flame or flaming out?

Yesterday some friends suggested that I try good old trusty, rusty, the granddaddy of historical baseball.

This is where I should provide the requisite blah, blah, blah accolades for a noble job well done, etc.  But I'm so appalled at the irresponsible nature of that I'll go right to my concerns.

DOS.  Disk Operating System.  Retrosheet tools for working with its raw data are ancient PC programs written in the pre-Windows era, likely before 1990.  This tracks with my general theory that baseball is on its death bed, meaningful mostly to old people like me and those running Retrosheet, like founder David Smith who supposedly keeps original documents in his basement and/or garage rather than in the National Archive, Library of Congress, Iron Mountain, whatever...

(I) avoid the lousy interface of, which I do not think has been improved since day one ...

DOS?  Retrosheet tools are DOS programs?  Who the heck under the age of 60 is going to use them?  Rather than making baseball data available to future generations, Retrosheet officials seem intent on taking it to their graves, burying it like some ancient pharaoh entombed his treasures and supplicants in his pyramid.

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