What a mess!
You know: Bernard L. Madoff, the Ponzi scheme crook who duped greedy rich people into investing with him. Madoff is serving hard time in prison. Madoff was a close business associate of the Mets owners: Fred Wilpon and Saul Katz.
Today's New York Times:
Wilpon’s Ownership of Mets Is Threatened
The Mets also have hit their limit on borrowing from Major League Baseball’s credit line.
Say what? The MMMMMMets have been borrowing from MLB??? You mean WE Yankee fans have been subsidizing the Mets!? This is an outrage! And it's been enough borrowing that the Mets have hit their limit! In the immortal words of the late Yankee scooter, Phil Rizzuto: "holy cow"!
It was bad enough that the 2010 Texas Rangers eliminated the New York Yankees in the MLB semi-finals with the money of the other 29 MLB teams, which saved the Rangers from bankruptcy, but now it turns out that the Mets have been borrowing from MLB. This is too much.
The only bright side is that the Mets will remain a mess until MLB forces a change in ownership. Then the Yankees may face the guy I wanted to succeed George Steinbrenner: Mark Cuban, owner of the NBA Dallas franchise. Cuban was blocked by MLB from purchasing the Chicago Cubs.
However, MLB may be so desperate to fix the Mets that it may permit Cuban, Steinbrenner with brains, to buy the Mets. That would be the Yankees worst nightmare: Cuban v. the Steinbrenner kids. Oh, the humanity!
Oh, for the good old days of my youth, 1958-1961, when New York had the one and only legitimate MLB team: the New York Yankees! The great city of New York was besmirched in 1962 by accepting an expansion team, which I still consider illegitimate. And now this. Is there any surprise?
All those years and all that crap about the Yankees being like U.S. Steel. About Yankee fans being stock brokers and Dodger, Giant, Met fans being working class. So how do the Mets go down? Madoff's Ponzi scheme!
Mets-Madoff. Maybe we should demand that MLB at least change their team name. How about calling them Madoffs? Now pitching for the Madoffs, Bernard, who will try to retire the batter by selling him worthless paper.
Mets, go away! Just go the heck away!
Stimulating, provocative, sometimes whimsical new concepts that challenge traditional baseball orthodoxy. Note: Anonymous comments will not be published. Copyright Kenneth Matinale
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