Mark Cuban owns the Dallas Mavericks of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Thus far Cuban has been unable to get past feeble minded Major Baseball League (MBL) commissioner Allen Huber "Bud" Selig and buy a baseball team. It's time for action.
Cuban needs to get Selig removed from power and wrest control of the New York Yankees from the four children of late Yankee owner George Steinbrenner whose Kids have turned Yankee Stadium into Ebbets Field.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Dodger plaque hung in Yankee Stadium: prank by kids? Or are they idiots?
Robinson was a fierce competitor. Putting a plaque in Yankee Stadium for him would be like having one for Fat Papi, David Ortiz, of the hated Boston Red Sox...
the connection between Rivera and Robinson. It's purely based on numerology... those Kids really are idiots
Friday, September 20, 2013
Yankees need to clean house.
A fish rots from the head so the cleaning needs to start with the Steinbrenner Kids, actually four people who are advanced adults: Hank, Hal, Jenifer, Jessica...
I had hoped that the team would be bought by Mark Cuban or equivalent, a sort of George with brains...
So, the Yankees need new owners. Easier said than done since there is no one to fire the current owners. The best that we can hope for is that the Kids will clean their rooms and act like grown ups.
It's time for the Steinbrenner Kids to go. Yesterday they displayed the kind of weakness and fuzzy thinking that their father despised. They turned Mariano Rivera day into Jackie Robinson day in the house that George built, both Steinbrenner and Ruth.
In this summer of Yankee discontent, such a blatantly stupid gesture is totally unacceptable. Rivera is pretty much OK with it but he didn't even complain when the Red Sox chose to humiliate him in Boston with a self described roast rather than a toast. Boston would have shown more class by ignoring the Rivera farewell tour thing, which even some of us Yankee fans are uncomfortable with.
The Steinbrenner Kids did not need to have any reference yesterday to Jackie Robinson and certainly not that sappy tribute culminating with a Dodger plaque placed on the Yankee wall of honor. In 50 years will see an Ortiz plaque?
Jackie Robinson and George Steinbrenner must be turning over in their graves. Neither would have approved such a soft headed idea. Both were realists and loyal to their own teams. If you're still getting feel good vibes from every lame Jackie Robinson celebration, then get a check up from the neck up.
No wonder the Yankees were too wimpy to win the damn game after that pathetic display of weakness by the team owners. The Yankees not only couldn't win, they couldn't even take Andy Pettitte off the hook and tie the game with an easy opportunity to do it. To his credit Rivera pitched well but he was closing a loss. It was like his day: Rivera was robbed of the spotlight to which he was entitled.
Stimulating, provocative, sometimes whimsical new concepts that challenge traditional baseball orthodoxy. Note: Anonymous comments will not be published. Copyright Kenneth Matinale
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Mariano Rivera
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