Saturday, February 15, 2020

Sign Stealing: knowledge v. certainty.

"The Ascent of Man" Knowledge or Certainty

Overlooked in the sign stealing "scandal/crisis" is that both pitchers and hitters qualify their comments concerning certainty.

The batter knows for sure.

The batter knows every pitch.

That type of thing.

If there is doubt, then the "edge" in knowing is mitigated. That's why over the years many batters have said that they don't want to know. What they are really saying is that imperfect knowledge is worse than not knowing at all.

For a high percentage of pitches batters probably "know" what pitch is coming without sign stealing. They know because they have been in that situation a thousand times. Because of the game situation. Because of the pitcher's tendencies and habits. Because the pitcher is tipping his pitches. Because they identify the pitch as it leaves the pitcher's fingertips and they see the rotation.

They just know ... but they are not certain. How could they be?

Showing posts with label Signs.

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