Friday, January 23, 2015

Selig sucked.

Today is supposed to be the last day that Allan Huber "Bud" Selig is on the job as commissioner of the Major Baseball League (MBL).  Selig acted as commissioner from 1992 to 1998, then became the full fledged replacement of Fay Vincent whom Selig helped to remove years before.  Selig has also been on the Hall of Fame board of directors since 1976.

Selig legacy articles will be appearing today and tomorrow by sycophants.  The Bud Selig TV network, aka, MLB Network will be awash in tributes to Selig.

Selig will be honored by the only group of Americans with less credibility and credentials than Selig: the baseball writers.

Do not be fooled.  Don't let the doddering grandfather persona influence you.  My guess is that in the last 25 years no MLB family had its net worth increase by a greater percentage than the Selig family.  And the league will continue to pay this failure millions more over the next several years.

Selig sucked.  Make no mistake about it.  Read my two posts below.  The 2013 post contains several links to more, which detail some of my case against selig.

Bud Selig: worst commissioner of all time in any sport?  Friday, September 27, 2013

Bud Selig's legacy: he let baseball devolve into an unwatchable mess.  Thursday, January 15, 2015

Selig sucked!

Selig sucked!

Selig sucked!

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