Not really. This afternoon Hal Steinbrenner, who runs the New York Yankees, was interviewed on ESPN radio by Michael Kay and Don La Greca. Kay also does Yankee play by play on the Yankee Entertainment and Sports (YES) Network, which the Yankees formed a decade ago and sold a couple of years ago. La Greca is Kay's sidekick on the radio show and a notorious Met fan.
Kay pointed out to Hal that Forbes magazine valued the Yankees at $3.2 billion. Kay asked Hal if he would sell the team for bucks like that. Hal protested that money was not a driving force in his life. Hal did not mention his three adult siblings, the four of whom I refer to as the Steinbrenner Kids as in the Steinbrenner Kids should sell the Yankees because they are mismanaging the team into irrelevance.
La Greca then upped the ante by supposing that he had just inherited $6 billion and offered all of it to Hal for the Yankees. Hal again declined.
Innocent enough except that the overall impression was one of Hal establishing a new standard for a twit. Kay reminded Hal that his late father George had bought the Yankees in 1973 for $10 million. One can only assume that George would be turning over in his grave at the thought of one of his children being so foolish. George might take solace in his other three kids wrestling control of the team from Hal and cashing in or out, whichever is more appropriate.
Kay also asked Hal multiple times about the suggestion of some that he, Hal, did not measure up to his father. Hal claimed that he did not think about that.
Just sell the damn team and stop retiring uniform numbers.
Stimulating, provocative, sometimes whimsical new concepts that challenge traditional baseball orthodoxy. Note: Anonymous comments will not be published. Copyright Kenneth Matinale
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