David Ortiz was the best hitter and Jon Lester the best pitcher in the 2013 Major Baseball League (MBL) tournament. In a general sense the best hitter/pitcher combination on a single team is Miguel Cabrera and Justin Verlander of Detroit but the Boston Red Sox vanquished the Tigers in the American Conference (AC) championship series, the semi-finals.
MBL commissioner Allen Huber "Bud" Selig provided the circumstance of games 6 and 7 being scheduled in Fenway Park Boston with his idiotic policy of having home field/rule being determined by which team won the All Star game between the two conferences. If Selig had any sense, the advantage in the finals would go to the team with the best regular season record. In 2013 both Boston and their finals opponent, the St. Louis Cardinals, tied for most wins (97) and did not play each other in the regular season, so some other form of tie breaker would have been needed. Selig eliminated team merit.
The media is all over the fact that this is the first time since 1918 that Boston can celebrate at home. Actually, that circumstance was enjoyed by only 38,447 members of Red Sox nation, one more than in game 2 and two more than in game 1. Presumably this would be the usual tight knit group of white people. See this post:
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Boston Whiteskins
Red Sox nation is insulated and isolated geographically, culturally and racially.
And lest we forget the Ryan Dempster and Alex Rodriguez incident:
Monday, August 19, 2013 Coward Ryan Dempster should be suspended 211 games for deliberately hitting Alex Rodriguez.
To their disgrace nearly all the Red Sox fans in Fenway Park cheered this vigilante act. A pitcher deliberately hitting a batter is much worse than a batter using steroids. And these Boston hypocrites ignore the fact that the best player on the two Boston championship teams this millennium was Manny Ramirez, the only Hall of Fame caliber player to serve suspensions for using banned performance enhancing drugs (PED). Not to mention David Ortiz who is still a member of the Red Sox. All of Boston should be ashamed. Last night a representative sample of its population became the ugly mob. I've long thought that the two baseball teams combined, including coaches, had more black people than were in the stands for a typical baseball game at Fenway Park. Check for yourself the next time you watch a game there on TV. When the Red Sox took the field last night the closest player to a person of color was Shane Victorino. That must have been comforting to the most parochial narrow minded fans among the 28 cities that have MBL teams.
Concerning the 1918 World Series:
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Red Sox and Cardinal precedents.
The season was short because of World War I. The first three games against the Cubs were played in Chicago at Comiskey Park, home of the White Sox. I don't know why Wrigley Field was not used. War time travel restrictions would account for there being only one change of venue. There was one off day for travel then the final four games were scheduled to be played in Boston. Because of that the final game could only be in Boston.
The Red Sox won game six at Fenway Park before 15,238 fans. Carl Mays beat Lefty Tyler 2-1; both pitched complete games.
There's more on Babe Ruth pitching and winning two games. Apparently the Cubs used a diabolical plan to prevent Ruth from playing the games in which Ruth did not pitch. The Cubs started two lefties, Tyler and Hippo Vaughn, in all six games played, four on one day of rest. Because there was no game Sunday, September 8, 1918 because of "blue laws", Tyler got two days rest before game four, which his relief pitcher lost; Ruth won for Boston. The strategy worked. From my post:
Ruth did not start any other games as a non-pitcher but entered the 6th and final game in Fenway Park to play left field replacing clean up hitter (George) Whiteman in the 8th with two out, no runners, Red Sox up 2-1; Ruth did not bat.
Friday, October 11, 2013 Final Four: traditional teams. Coincidence?
Let's look at the 30 MBL teams in order of estimated payroll...
Top four:
Los Angeles Dodgers
New York Yankees
Boston Red Sox
Detroit Tigers
St. Louis Cardinals are number 11 among the 30 teams.
With the Yankees determined to get their team payroll under the $189 million cap in 2014, Boston may well have the highest AC payroll next season. Red Sox nation, the destroyer of worlds in three of the last ten seasons, will truly be the Evil Empire.
Stimulating, provocative, sometimes whimsical new concepts that challenge traditional baseball orthodoxy. Note: Anonymous comments will not be published. Copyright Kenneth Matinale
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World Series
LOL!! Wow, you are a really bitter Yankee fan, huh?
Hope you read:
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Boston Whiteskins
This is the most absurd article I've ever read.
Boston Whiteskins,
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Team Salaries 2003-2013 per Win and Ticket sold.
Boston $178 million
St. Louis $113 million
Yeah, yeah, Yankees spent more but its not like Boston did not do exactly what it complains about: buying the championship. In 2007 Boston outspent Colordado $143 to $54. In 2004 $127 to $84 for St. Louis.
As I've long said I never met a Met fan who knew what he was talking about or a Boston fan of any sport.
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