Monday, October 17, 2016

77 played for Brooklyn Dodgers and Yankees.

Two are still living, both pitchers: Ralph Branca and Fred Kipp.

Posts will follow with the other three team New York combinations:
- Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants
- New York Giants and Yankees
- New York Giants, Brooklyn Dodgers and Yankees.

BroFirstName BroLastName BroFirstYear BroLastYear YankFirstYear YankLastYear BroG YankG BroFirstPOS BroLastPOS YankFirstPOS YankLastPOS YankFirstName YankLastName
Johnny Allen 1941 1943 1932 1935 55 94 P P P P Johnny Allen
John Anderson 1894 1899 1904 1905 487 170 1B OF 1B OF John Anderson
Cy Barger 1910 1912 1906 1907 93 3 1B P P P Cy Barger
Frenchy Bordagaray 1935 1945 1941 1941 511 19 2B OF OF OF Frenchy Bordagaray
Ralph Branca 1944 1956 1954 1954 283 5 P P P P Ralph Branca
Ownie Carroll 1933 1934 1930 1930 59 10 P P P P Ownie Carroll
Hugh Casey 1939 1948 1949 1949 293 4 P P P P Hugh Casey
Ben Chapman 1944 1945 1930 1936 21 904 P P 2B OF Ben Chapman
Johnny Cooney 1935 1944 1944 1944 260 2 1B OF OF OF Johnny Cooney
Roy Cullenbine 1940 1940 1942 1942 19 20 OF OF 1B OF Roy Cullenbine
Babe Dahlgren 1942 1942 1938 1940 10 313 1B 1B 1B 3B Babe Dahlgren
Lefty Davis 1901 1901 1903 1903 25 103 2B OF OF SS Lefty Davis
Bill Donovan 1899 1902 1915 1916 103 10 1B P P P Bill Donovan
Jack Doyle 1903 1904 1905 1905 147 1 1B 1B 1B 1B Jack Doyle
Leo Durocher 1938 1945 1928 1929 333 200 2B SS 2B SS Leo Durocher
Kid Elberfeld 1914 1914 1903 1909 19 658 2B SS 3B SS Kid Elberfeld
Alex Ferguson 1929 1929 1918 1925 3 39 P P P P Alex Ferguson
Wes Ferrell 1940 1940 1938 1939 1 8 P P P P Wes Ferrell
Chick Fewster 1926 1926 1917 1922 103 191 2B 2B 2B SS Chick Fewster
Jack Fournier 1923 1926 1918 1918 495 27 1B 1B 1B 1B Jack Fournier
Ray French 1923 1923 1920 1920 30 1 SS SS SS SS Ray French
Lonny Frey 1933 1936 1947 1947 435 8 2B SS 2B 2B Lonny Frey
Joe Gallagher 1940 1940 1939 1939 20 12 OF OF OF OF Joe Gallagher
Ned Garvin 1902 1904 1904 1904 63 2 P P P P Ned Garvin
Burleigh Grimes 1918 1926 1934 1934 318 10 P P P P Burleigh Grimes
Lee Grissom 1940 1941 1940 1940 18 5 P P P P Lee Grissom
Harry Harper 1923 1923 1921 1921 1 8 P P P P Harry Harper
Joe Harris 1928 1928 1914 1914 16 2 OF OF 1B OF Joe Harris
Buddy Hassett 1936 1938 1942 1942 373 132 1B OF 1B 1B Buddy Hassett
Fred Heimach 1930 1933 1928 1929 86 48 P P P P Fred Heimach
Harvey Hendrick 1927 1930 1923 1924 367 30 1B SS OF OF Harvey Hendrick
Johnny Hopp 1949 1949 1950 1952 6 55 1B OF 1B OF Johnny Hopp
Harry Howell 1898 1900 1903 1903 23 39 P P 1B SS Harry Howell
Waite Hoyt 1932 1938 1921 1930 41 365 P P P P Waite Hoyt
John Hummel 1905 1915 1918 1918 1056 19 1B SS 1B OF John Hummel
Fred Jacklitsch 1903 1904 1905 1905 79 1 1B OF C C Fred Jacklitsch
Tim Jordan 1906 1909 1903 1903 510 2 1B 1B 1B 1B Tim Jordan
Willie Keeler 1893 1902 1903 1909 569 868 2B OF 2B OF Willie Keeler
Fred Kipp 1957 1957 1960 1960 1 4 P P P P Fred Kipp
Frank Kitson 1900 1902 1907 1907 114 12 1B P P P Frank Kitson
Ernie Krueger 1917 1921 1915 1915 210 8 C C C C Ernie Krueger
Bill Lamar 1920 1921 1917 1919 13 42 OF OF 1B OF Bill Lamar
Lyn Lary 1939 1939 1929 1934 19 478 3B SS 1B SS Lyn Lary
Tony Lazzeri 1939 1939 1926 1937 13 1649 2B 3B 1B SS Tony Lazzeri
Lee Magee 1919 1919 1916 1917 45 180 2B 3B 2B OF Lee Magee
Sal Maglie 1956 1957 1957 1958 47 13 P P P P Sal Maglie
Al Mamaux 1918 1923 1924 1924 127 14 P P P P Al Mamaux
Danny McDevitt 1957 1957 1961 1961 22 8 P P P P Danny McDevitt
Bob McGraw 1925 1927 1917 1920 36 24 P P P P Bob McGraw
Deacon McGuire 1899 1901 1904 1907 199 220 1B C 1B C Deacon McGuire
Frank McManus 1903 1903 1904 1904 2 4 C C C C Frank McManus
Tommy McMillan 1908 1910 1912 1912 174 41 2B SS SS SS Tommy McMillan
Fred Merkle 1916 1917 1925 1926 21 6 1B OF 1B 1B Fred Merkle
Buster Mills 1935 1935 1940 1940 17 14 OF OF OF OF Buster Mills
Fred Mitchell 1904 1905 1910 1910 33 62 1B SS C C Fred Mitchell
Johnny Mitchell 1924 1925 1921 1922 154 16 SS SS 2B SS Johnny Mitchell
Bobo Newsom 1929 1943 1947 1947 33 17 P P P P Bobo Newsom
Doc Newton 1901 1902 1905 1909 46 78 1B P P P Doc Newton
Lefty O'Doul 1931 1933 1919 1922 321 13 OF OF OF P Lefty O'Doul
Jack Quinn 1931 1932 1909 1921 81 228 P P P P Jack Quinn
Oscar Roettger 1927 1927 1923 1924 1 6 OF OF P P Oscar Roettger
Dutch Ruether 1921 1924 1926 1927 136 32 1B P P P Dutch Ruether
Rosy Ryan 1933 1933 1928 1928 30 3 P P P P Rosy Ryan
Johnny Schmitz 1951 1952 1952 1953 26 8 P P P P Johnny Schmitz
Paul Schreiber 1922 1923 1945 1945 10 2 P P P P Paul Schreiber
Harry Smythe 1934 1934 1934 1934 8 8 P P P P Harry Smythe
Tuck Stainback 1938 1939 1942 1945 78 170 OF OF OF OF Tuck Stainback
Vito Tamulis 1938 1941 1934 1935 131 31 1B P P P Vito Tamulis
Zack Taylor 1920 1935 1934 1934 344 3 C C C C Zack Taylor
Hank Thormahlen 1925 1925 1917 1920 5 76 P P P P Hank Thormahlen
Elmer Valo 1957 1957 1960 1960 76 4 LF RF OF RF Elmer Valo
Dazzy Vance 1922 1935 1915 1918 378 10 P P P P Dazzy Vance
Dixie Walker 1939 1947 1931 1936 1176 87 OF OF OF OF Dixie Walker
Kemp Wicker 1941 1941 1936 1938 16 24 P P P P Kemp Wicker
Whitey Witt 1926 1926 1922 1925 22 437 OF OF OF OF Whitey Witt
Joe Yeager 1898 1900 1905 1906 69 150 2B SS 2B SS Joe Yeager
Tom Zachary 1934 1936 1928 1930 48 36 P P P P Tom Zachary

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