Thursday, January 6, 2022

Batting Average (BA): should Barry Bonds have qualified the two times he led the league?

This is not piling on Barry Bonds. It's an extension of an issue that's been examined in recent posts.

The equation for Batting Average (BA) is Hits divided by At Bats (AB). The criteria, however, is Plate Appearances (PA). This is baseball, where logic usually falls victim to ... The current qualifier is 502 PA.

It would seem reasonable to make the qualifying criteria either Hits or AB. Maybe a combination. But let's look at the National League (NL) in 2002 and 2004 when Barry Bonds walked a ridiculous number of times, even without Buck Showalter ordering him walked with the bases loaded. We'll use the number of Hits and AB Bonds had in 2004 as the minimum and see how many batters qualify in 2004. That's when Bonds broke his 2002 record of 198 BB with 232 BB in 2004.


135 Hits: 64 batters qualify

Five had fewer than the required 502 PA:

373 AB: 107 batters qualify

83 of the 107 had the required 502 PA.


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