Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Catchers seasons OPS+ at least 150 1903-2023. Mike Piazza 22%.

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"For single seasons, since 1903, Playing in the AL or NL, Qualified for league batting title, Played at C, in the regular season, requiring Adjusted OPS+ >= 150, sorted by descending Adjusted OPS+."

Note: In earlier seasons 100 games "Qualified for league batting title", not the most recent 502 PA in the 162 game schedule.


Conspicuous by his absence: Yogi Berra. Yogi's tops: 142 in 1956. MVP 1951, 1954, 1955.

Chris Hoiles is #8. More amazingly, he finished 16th in AL MVP voting.

Mike Grady #5: who? Dick Dietz and Bubbles Hargrave? I vaguely remember the name Dick Dietz. 1970 and 1971 Dietz played 148 and 142 games, his only seasons at least 100 games: OPS+ 153 and 130.

Of the 27 seasons, Mike Piazza has 6 (22%). And Piazza has 1 and 2. Piazza was never MVP.

Other multiples in the list:
Campanella 3, his three MVP seasons
Lombardi (MVP 1938) and Hartnett (MVP 1935) 2 each


Other MVP on the list: Mauer, Posey, Bench (also 1970), Cochrane for 1934 but not 1933 in the list, Torre for 1971 at first base but not 1966 in the list.

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