Danny Biasone was instrumental in introducing the shot clock in basketball. Baseball needs someone comparable. Baseball needs a clock. Actually, multiple clocks.
Biasone died in 1992 but his contribution lives on. He was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2000.
In the fledgling National Basketball Association (NBA) Biasone was the founding owner of the Syracuse Nationals, who moved to Philadelphia and were renamed the 76ers. Something like the St. Louis Browns metamorphosis into the Baltimore Orioles.
From wikipedia:
Although he did not originate the idea of a shot clock, he strongly supported its adoption in professional basketball. Biasone successfully lobbied the NBA to institute the shot clock in 1954. He was responsible for establishing the NBA shot clock at twenty-four seconds, where it has remained to this day. He supported the twenty-four second rule on the basis of his observations, experience, and basic arithmetic. Biasone asserted that basketball proved most exciting when it achieved a balance between stalling contests and wild shootouts. He envisioned a well-paced match up in which each team took around sixty shots per game. Given that professional basketball games lasted forty-eight minutes, Biasone divided 2880 (the number of seconds in forty-eight minutes) by 120 (the total number of shots taken per game when each team attempted sixty shots) and arrived at a figure he considered optimal: one shot every 24 seconds. Additionally, he was also a primary force in convincing the NBA to adopt the backcourt foul rule in 1953.
Pace is one of the fundamental things missing in baseball. Slow pitch softball has pace. The pitcher merely facilitates the start of play. The pitcher does not dominate both play and pace as occurs in baseball.
Regular season games must end within two hours Sunday, June 17, 2012
Yesterday's inter-conference Yankee game in Washington lasted four hours, forty-nine minutes (289 minutes) and took fourteen innings to determine a winner: Yanks 5-3. ...
I recorded four hours, starting with the pre-game talk. The recording expired after the Yankees had batted in the 10th inning. Four hours to play 9.5 innings.
Many counts went to 3-2, which is where I have long recommend that the count begin.
That's entertainment? ...
By 2020 the Major Baseball League (MBL) will be in major trouble. Attendance and TV viewing will be way down. By the time MBL is alarmed enough to do something it will do too little, too late.
No improvement will happen until Allen Huber "Bud" Selig is replaced as commissioner in January 2015. However, several months ago when Selig announced his intent to retire, there was no substantial speculation about a replacement, which I found astonishing. The lack of speculation suggests that most baseball people are satisfied with the status quo. It also is a pretty good indication that a baseball Danny Biasone is not likely to ride to the rescue.
Stimulating, provocative, sometimes whimsical new concepts that challenge traditional baseball orthodoxy. Note: Anonymous comments will not be published. Copyright Kenneth Matinale
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