Sunday, March 17, 2019

Change pitchers on the fly! Who cares if they pitch to one batter?

A relief pitcher must face at least three batters unless he ends an inning. Another stupid rule change because people can't see the obvious. Changing pitchers takes a lot of time because they take a lot of time to change pitchers. Don't. Then the problem is solved.

Eliminate the ritual. No visits. No meetings. You want to replace a player, just replace the player. Part of the problem is that pitchers are not players and they are treated differently. Treat them more like players and you improve the game.

No warm up pitches. Nobody else gets to warm up unless it's during a natural break, such as between innings. No damn warm ups. Oh, the pitcher might not be ready. Then the pitcher should throw slowly at the start. Oh, then the pitcher won't be effective. Then the manager should be much more reluctant to change pitchers. Hey, the game is improving already. Who wants to watch some clown pitcher muscle up for an inning ... or a batter?

Come on. Show at least a little bit of common sense. Just a little.

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