Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Will Red Sox all wear 42 three consecutive games?

The Boston Red Sox played at home Monday, April 15. That's tax day. It's also Jackie Robinson day in MLB. Hall of Fame commissioner Bud Selig got the 50th anniversary of Robinson playing his first game for the Brooklyn Dodgers special attention in 1997. Some players wore Robinson's number 42 as a sort of tribute. Then more players did. Eventually, it seems to have become mandatory. No player has had the temerity to wear his regular number, not even Robinson Cano, who is named after Jackie Robinson.

So all the Red Sox and all the visiting Baltimore Orioles obediently wore number 42 in Boston Monday. Tonight, the Red Sox are in Yankee Stadium playing the Yankees, who did not play Monday. Instead of the Yankees simply going on as usual they are required to wear 42 the next game after Jackie Robinson day. The Red Sox are also wearing 42 even though they fulfilled their obligation the previous day in Boston. It's only a two game series. So, did the Red Sox equipment people have to pack two sets of uniforms for two days? We'll find out tomorrow just how absurd this policy has become.

And if the Red Sox wear 42 tomorrow, will the Yankees be required to follow and also wear 42? This could become a battle of laundry.

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