Monday, December 14, 2020

Cleveland Indians name change: Cleveland Americans, Cleveland Social Justice Warriors, Cleveland Losers?

Cleveland Losers makes the most sense:

Cleveland 72 year championship drought. Pittsburgh 41 years. Saturday, November 28, 2020

Cleveland most recently won the old World Series in 1948, 72 years ago. Pittsburgh most recently won the major league championship in 1979, 41 years ago. Cleveland's drought is 31 years longer than Pittsburgh's ...

The 1948 Cleveland Indians ended a 28 year drought since they beat the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1920...

The 1957 Milwaukee Braves ended a 43 year drought since the Boston Braves last won the World Series. The 1995 Atlanta Braves ended a 38 year team drought. But the Braves have now gone 25 years since their most recent championship.


Will Major League Baseball, the corporation, make the Atlanta Braves the next victim? What name could they pick other than Atlanta Cowards?

For irony:

Sources: Cleveland to drop Indians nickname after 105 years by Jeff Passan, ESPN

... it abandoned its Chief Wahoo logo ...

The organization's decision to replace Chief Wahoo hats with those featuring a block C was seen as a positive first step, but the outcry against the name continued and forced owner Paul Dolan to consider abandoning the name altogether.

Dolan vowed to meet with Native American groups and gauge their thoughts. There was pressure from Major League Baseball, too, which saw the Indians name as a long-term nonstarter, sources said.

"This is the culmination of decades of work," the Oneida Nation of New York, which led the Change the Mascot Movement, said in a statement to ESPN. "Groups like the National Congress of American Indians passed resolutions for decades on this, social science has made clear these names are harmful and Cleveland got out in front of it and they're leading, and rather than having this hanging over their heads, they're charting a new path."


National Congress of American Indians

Let that sink in. A congress with the name Indian is offended by the team name Indian. It's got a website:

NCAI Commends Decision by Major League Baseball’s Cleveland Franchise to Change Its “Indians” Name
Published on DEC 14, 2020

And the ESPN writer does not see hypocrisy much less irony in mentioning that group's resolutions. He subsequently wrote a more detailed article about how offensive Indian is for a team name.

The phrase Native Americans is also tossed around.

Americans are nationals and citizens of the United States of America.


Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512):

... Italian merchant, explorer, and navigator from the Republic of Florence, from whose name the term "America" is derived.


Cleveland Vespuccis, anyone?

Major League Wokeness by Ben Shapiro: kneeling for Black Lives Matter (BLM). Saturday, July 25, 2020

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