Thursday, February 24, 2022

The shift is boring. Idiot strike out specialist Joey Gallo can't figure out how to beat the shift. And says so.

Joey Gallo has averaged more than 200 strike outs in his three full seasons. 


Yankees slugger Joey Gallo blasts the defensive shift and wants to ‘fix the game’
by Kendall Capps February 23, 2022

New York Yankees slugger Joey Gallo while speaking to The Athletic shared his very strong thoughts...

“I get the defensive strategies. I do. I am 100 percent not against that… But I think at some point, you have to fix the game a little bit… I don’t understand how I’m supposed to hit a double or triple when I have six guys standing in the outfield.” ...

Of course, one of the counter arguments is very obvious. Hitters today don’t know how to hit. Yeah, they can pull the ball and hit home runs. But they can’t go the other way intentionally, or simply lay a bunt down...

According to The Athletic’s Jayson Stark, In 2013, there were approximately 6,900 shifts played during the regular season. That number has increased dramatically. Last season, there were about 59,000 shifts played.


Joey Gallo is an idiot, imbecile, moron, ... He should be embarrassed for saying what he did. But he's not. Yankee general manager Brian Cashman should be embarrassed for trading for Gallo during the 2021 season.

July 29, 2021: Traded by the Texas Rangers with Joely Rodriguez and cash to the New York Yankees for Ezequiel Duran (minors), Trevor Hauver (minors), Josh Smith (minors) and Glenn Otto.

Cashman may be embarrassed but his employer, Hal Steinbrenner, has apparently never given Cashman a performance review. Cashman is into his second decade of the Yankees not winning the World Series, which they last did in 2009 with the core four (Jeter, Posada, Pettitte, Rivera) who preceded Cashman becoming Yankee GM in February 1998. In the last twenty-one years (2001-2021) the Yankees have won only that one World Series in 2009.

For Gallo, Cashman, Steinbrenner, ...

Mickey Mantle and others who bunted for hits. Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mickey Mantle batted .527 for all of his regular season plate appearances I could find that ended in a bunt.  My many 2014 posts encouraging the likes of Mark Teixeira to bunt against the extreme shift assumed that any big league non-pitcher should be able to achieve a .500 batting average (BA) bunting against the extreme shift...


Mantle also hit 536 career home runs, led the American League in home runs four times and hit more than 50 home runs in a season twice. Mantle played on pennant winners in these seasons (BOLD when the Yankees also won the World Series): 19511952 ,1953 , 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 19611962, 1963, 1964.

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