Sunday, April 10, 2022

PitchCom is backwards: pitcher should tell catcher what pitch he's throwing. Better: eliminate catcher. Two hour games.

Leave it to MLB to get it ass backwards.

The pitcher should put his glove in front of his face and tell the catcher what pitch he's about to throw. Forget the stupid wrist band on the knee of the catcher. Just speak. Geez.

Actually, the pitching coach could/should tell both of them. The managers and coaches are so anal that they might as well just call every pitch. They call plenty anyway.

Of course, eliminating the barbaric catching position is what baseball should have done in the 1800s. The catcher is a combination of the backstop and ball boy (girl). Have the runners remain on the bases until the ball is hit. No signs, no sign stealing. No base stealing either, a small price to pay.

The strike ZONE is also eliminated. Place a 17 inch (diameter) bull's eye back there. Hit it for a strike. The batter may request its location between his shoulders and knees for a plate appearance. 17 inches is the width of the plate.

Move the "catcher" and plate umpire into fair territory. Extend foul territory 45 feet in a quarter circle from the tip of home plate so that dribblers are eliminated.

Oh, and eliminate those incredibly annoying and unnecessary implicit unrequested and uncalled time outs between pitches when the batter mindlessly steps out of the box for no apparent reason. You step out, you're out. It's not even a rule change, just common sense.

Cool, huh? Complete games is less than two hours.

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