Friday, December 16, 2022

Best hitters in game 7 in post season.

Today I received an email from that included:

Updates to Stathead Baseball Player Game Finder

That looks like Albert Pujols.

First I looked up Mickey Mantle's post season game log and sorted it on game number. The Mick played in eight game sevens. EIGHT. But I would have had to copy/paste his data into a spreadsheet and compute his totals and averages. That would have been interesting but it would not have gotten me closer to even an educated guess, much less some sort of answer.

Rather than click the stathead link, I ran my own ad hoc query in stathead. My comments are below the table.

For combined games in multiple seasons, up to 2022, in the postseason, in series Game 7, requiring Plate Appearances >= 10 and On-Base Plus Slugging >= .800, sorted by descending On-Base Plus Slugging.

I probably should have made Plate Appearances higher. Several players had 10 and some played in only 2 game sevens. But I left it. The table is not that big.

Mantle had the most games in this table: 8. And the most PA: 33. Mick hit two home runs in a World Series game 7 (division series started in 1969 and Mantle's last WS was in 1964): 1952 and 1964, Mantle's first and last game sevens. But two of his Yankee teammates hit three home runs in fewer games: Berra and Skowron each hit three homers in game sevens.

I reran the query, removing the OPS requirement of .800 to find other stuff.

At least 6 game sevens:

It turns out that Mantle played in the most game sevens, even without division series. He was injured in 1955 and batted only once:

Attendance: 62,465
Venue: Yankee Stadium I
Game Duration: 2:44
Day Game, on grass
Dodgers 2, Yankees 0

Bottom of the 7th, Yankees Batting, Behind 0-2, Dodgers' Johnny Podres facing 6-7-8
Skowron ground out
Cerv ground out
Howard single
Mickey Mantle pinch hits for Bob Grim (P) batting 9th
Mantle pop out to shortstop

At least two home runs:

Berra and Skowron are the only players to hit at least three home runs in game sevens.

Most RBI:

Finally, let's double PA from 10 to 20 and sort on OPS:

The seven Yankees did it exclusively in the World Series. These Yankees split the number of  World Series they played (not restricted to a 7 game series) as follows:

Howard: Yankees 9, Red Sox 1

Skowron: Yankees 7,  Dodgers 1

Maris: Yankees 5, Cardinals 2

Brooklyn Dodgers: best hitters in game 7 in post season. Where are Robinson, Campanella, Snider, Hodges? Saturday, December 17, 2022

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