Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Why was the unenforced 12 second rule replaced by a 15 second rule? Can baseball get any dumber?

You can't make up stuff like this.

Pitch Timer (2023 rule change)

In an effort to create a quicker pace of play, a 30-second timer between batters will be implemented in 2023. Between pitches, a 15-second timer will be in place with the bases empty and a 20-second timer with runners on base.


On The Clock. Sunday, March 24, 2013

8.04 When the bases are unoccupied, the pitcher shall deliver the ball to the batter within 12 seconds after he receives the ball. Each time the pitcher delays the game by violating this rule, the umpire shall call “Ball.”
The 12-second timing starts when the pitcher is in possession of the ball and the batter is in the box, alert to the pitcher. The timing stops when the pitcher releases the ball.

But wait. Pretty much everybody remains oblivious to the twelve second rule.

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