Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Joey Votto: among greatest left handed batters all time?

Joey Votto wants to play at least one more year after 2023.

For combined seasons, since 1903, Playing in the AL or NL, Bats LH, in the regular season, requiring Plate Appearances >= 5000 and Adjusted OPS+ >= 140, sorted by descending Adjusted OPS+.

1. Babe Ruth 206

15. Joey Votto 144

For single seasons, since 1903, Playing in the AL or NL, Bats LH, in the regular season, requiring Plate Appearances >= 500 and Adjusted OPS+ >= 174, sorted by descending Adjusted OPS+.

1. Barry Bonds 268 in 2002

33 seasons at least 200.

110. Joey Votto 174 in 2015

Votto's season high of 174 is shockingly low considering his career rank at number 15, although his career 144 is also shockingly low for #15.

Votto led the league only once: 160 in 2016; 160 was his fourth highest season.

Votto throws righty, so he is a lefty batter of opportunity like Williams and Cobb. The career tops: bats, throws, season high rank:

1. Ruth 206 LL 255 (4)
2. Williams 191 LR 235 (7)
3. Bonds 182 LL 268 (1)
4. Gehrig 179 LL 220 (13)
5. Jackson 170 LR 193 (40)
6. Cobb 168 LR 209 (20)

15. Joey Votto 144 LR 174 (110)

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