Tuesday, October 10, 2023

OPS+: career and season leaders.

For combined seasons, since 1903, Playing in the AL or NL, in the regular season, requiring Plate Appearances >= 5000 and Adjusted OPS+ >= 150, sorted by descending Adjusted OPS+.


For single seasons, since 1903, Playing in the AL or NL, in the regular season, requiring Plate Appearances >= 500 and Adjusted OPS+ >= 200, sorted by descending Adjusted OPS+.


Switch hitter Mickey Mantle:
career: 7. 172
season high: 13. 221

Noticeably absent from the 48 seasons of at least 200 with their highs:
Trout 198
Mays 185
Aaron 194 in 1971 at age 37
DiMaggio 185
Frank Robinson 198
Pujols 192
Greenberg 172
Ortiz: missing from both lists; 141; 173
Alex Rodriguez: missing from both lists; 140; 176
Griffey: missing from both lists; 136; 171
Harper: missing from both lists; 143; 198


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