Saturday, August 4, 2012

Ban coaching during games.

People who coach tennis players may not communicate with the players during tennis matches.  Baseball could benefit from that.

1. As I have advocated previously, those absurd baseball coaches on the field near first and third base during play should be eliminated.  See Wednesday, July 8, 2009 Get the coaches off the field!
2. Coaches should be banned from entering the field all together.
3. Coaches should be banned from the dugouts and bullpens.

However would baseball function without coaches you ask?  Faster and better.

Several years ago a friend mentioned the absurdity of adults making fools of themselves with their coaching antics during college basketball and football games.  He said if coaches were teachers, then the games were the exams and why the heck were the teachers tutoring during the exam?  Leadership during a game should come from among the players or from a student who functions as a coach.  The adults should not be involved during the games.

Professional sports are different but the concept should be considered along with that from tennis, both pro and amateur.

Banning coaches during baseball games would also spare them the humiliation of wearing the team uniform long after they look like athletes.  And, of course, there would be no coaching from the stands, like tennis.

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