Monday, December 10, 2018

Smart teams should favor the shift for competitive advantage.

Why lower your team to the level of the dumb teams?

The St. Louis Cardinals have admitted that they have been dumb about the shift and plan to change in 2019 and use the shift more. But smart teams must think: yeah right. We have been smarter than that for years and will continue to have a competitive advantage even if it is small and over fewer and fewer teams.

Plus, what smart team doesn't think it can outsmart other smart teams? Right? They may not admit but they must think it.

So the questions are:
- Are even smart teams more concerned about fans being bored by more strike outs than hits?
- How many teams are smart enough to think that they can get a competitive advantage by playing both sides of the ball?

Playing both sides of the ball in this case means that a team can prevent more runs than it gives up when it deploys the shift and also must deal with the shift against its batters.

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