Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Eliminate the mound and move the rubber back to the middle of the diamond: 63.5 feet.

Geez, come on already. These ridiculously timid and anal suggestions about changing the rules are excruciatingly boring. Discussions are bogging down over stuff like moving the pitcher back three inches. INCHES! Move him the heck back THREE FEET!

.500 batting average would make hitters and pitchers even. Friday, June 12, 2015

I've long held that the essence of the game is slow pitch softball, in which the pitcher facilitates getting the ball in play. Baseball has devolved into a pitcher dominated bore, which may be approaching a tipping point beyond which it will not recover. Too many pitchers are throwing too many pitches too fast from too close.


Proposed rule changes make my teeth hurt. Wednesday, February 6, 2019

There should be a designated fielder. 8 men bat. Pitchers can't hit. If they could, they would, i.e., they would play every day and be baseball players, which they are not...

Eliminate the mound and move the pitching distance to the middle of the diamond, about 63.5 feet from the back of home plate. Pitchers must release from that distance, not start their motion.


Actually, what this amounts to is returning to the pitching box from the 1800s, not because it is old but because it makes sense.

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