Saturday, March 16, 2019

Ties are OK: Giants pitcher Jeff Samardzija agrees with me.

Giants pitcher Jeff Samardzija wants ties in MLB
by Thomas Lott in 3/15/19

Giants pitcher Jeff Samardzija has an idea and he knows some people are going to find it weird.

He wants MLB games to end in ties.

"I don't think we need to play extra-inning games," he said, via the Mercury News. "End them in a tie, everyone gets one point like the Premier League. A win gets three points. Just end it at nine. We're playing 162 games. Over that course of games, you should be able to tell who the best team is."

Samardzija just wants to make the game more entertaining and solve some other problems in the process.
"(It) makes the ninth inning exciting all the time," he said. "And really, who wants to go out there and play 15 innings? The relievers don't want it. The position players don't want it. The managers don't want it. Then they've got to move the rosters around the next day."
I've been advocating ties at least since 2012.

16 innings yesterday. 18 scheduled for today. What will Yankees and Red Sox have proven? Sunday, July 16, 2017

Yesterday's Yankee game took almost six hours to play 16 innings and they have two games scheduled for today. Just accept tie games after nine innings.

6 hours, 18 innings is NOT entertaining, nor a doubleheader. Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Clock, time-outs in baseball. And Constitutional amendments dealing with time for team sports. Friday, February 17, 2017


Constitutional amendments for team sports. Friday, June 8, 2012

Team sports really means baseball, football and basketball, the only sports that count.

Why constitutional amendments? Obviously, the dominant professional organizations (MLB, NFL, NBA) have not understood the urgent need for fundamental reform. Constitutional amendments will provide the much needed framework for the reforms. The professional leagues will then need to change their rules to conform.

1. Regular season games must end within two hours. Playoff games may have an additional 30 minutes for overtime.

2. No overtime in the regular season.

3. No trades during the season...

14. No common player draft.

15. Playing rules must be the same for all teams in a league.


Actually overtime makes even less sense in the post season.


Unknown said...

I have never understood this absurd prejudice against ties. It's an outcome, so is winning the game, or losing the game. College football has been ruined by the incredibility stupid overtime rules. Look at soccer with the idiotic shootout. How dumb is this, in the NFL winning or losing can come down to the flip of a coin. The NHL had the answer, it was in their rules, and what did they do, look at the mess the league made of ties.

Can anything be more ridiculous than this proposal, if the game is tied after 9 innings, place a runner at second to start the 10th! Why not have a fungo hitting contest, or a home run derby, is it worth ignoring the rules of the game and creating a different game to decide the outcome, I don't think so.

Isn't it better to recognize the most obvious fact, the game was played, there was an outcome (a tie), and place a distinct value on that outcome. At one time the NHL use to award 2 points if a team won the game in regulation, and 1 point to each team if a game was tied at the end of regulation. What's wrong with that, it addresses the problem of ridiculously long games (and since the average 9 inning game runs 3 hours, virtually all games fall into this category). I am at a loss to understand why the most rationale solution isn't implemented instead of seeking solutions that appear to be channeled from the folks who gave us Australian rules football.

Kenneth Matinale said...


Great comments and you made me laugh. Thanks.
