Sunday, September 22, 2024

Great rule changes: Start each inning with the top of the order. Three designated fielders: six man batting order.

I have advocated these for many years.

Start each inning with the top of the order.

It makes as much sense as what baseball has been doing. This would double the number of plate appearances in a game for the best hitters. Double. Why would anyone oppose that? Why would you prefer to have the worst hitters in the lineup bat almost as often as the best? Do you insist that that backup quarterback play as much as the starter ... or play at all?

Maybe you want to keep the current rule for kids. But why retain it for world class baseball players?

Three designated fielders: six man batting order, the fewest so that a batter does not come up with himself on base.

The best hitters would bat at least every other inning. It eliminates the three worst batters, probably including the pitcher. And two key fielding positions get really outstanding fielders.

At the very least: one designated fielder: 8 man batting order.

Come on. Do something! This is a minimal compromise to get some action.


If one of the first two were implemented, baseball would be improved immensely. Fans would think: why the heck didn't "they" do this years ago. Better late than never.

Fix walk rule: option to pinch run and batter gets new Plate Appearance. Monday, August 12, 2024

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