Sunday, May 12, 2019

Black and white TV on pink days?

I had forgotten. When I turned on the Yankee game today I was jolted by the clown outfits the Yankees are wearing. Some players were more clown like than others. Some were especially shocking, with pink socks up to the knees.

All the MLB teams are dressed as clowns for Mother's Day. Hey, how about you women letting us off the hook? Call off the pink orthodoxy.

Or how about letting players buy their way out with a generous financial contribution to ... of your choice?

But as a safety measure, how about a black and white TV option on pink days? I don't want to mess up the settings on my HDTV 4K TV by trying to eliminate color. If I could push a button and flip from color to B&W, I would.

Is pink mandatory or are the players just too timid to not wear pink?

Pink uniforms, bats, shoes, ... for Mother's Day, you know. PINK rhymes with stink. Sunday, May 13, 2018

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the pinks and most of the other "special" uniforms and numbers, they have all been honored like they should but we've seen enough.