Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle: Home Runs by the same pitcher to 3 of 4.

Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle: no Home Runs against the same pitcher. Tuesday, May 28, 2019

There was no one pitcher who gave up home runs to the Yankees big four...

Note the Yankee overlap:
Ruth 1920-1934
Gehrig 1923-1939
DiMaggio 1936-1951
Mantle 1951-1968 ...

August 15, 1936 in Shibe Park Philadelphia 18 year old rookie pitcher Randy Gumpert gave up the second home run of his career:

HR: Lou Gehrig (36, off Randy Gumpert, 8th inn, 3 on, 1 out to RF); Crosetti Scores; Rolfe Scores; DiMaggio Scores

Obviously Gumpert never even pitched to Ruth but he did give up homers to DiMaggio and number one to Mantle May 1, 1951 in Comiskey Park Chicago:

Mickey Mantle (1, off Randy Gumpert, 6th inn, 1 on, 1 out to RF).

Gumpert's last home run allowed: August 30, 1952 Yankee Stadium:

HR: Mickey Mantle (19, off Randy Gumpert, 3rd inn, 0 on, 0 outs to RF) ...

In their one season as teammates DiMaggio (36) and Mantle (19) did not homer in the same game. They both homered against two pitchers in 1951:
- Lew Kretlow. Both hit two homers off Kretlow, DiMaggio hit both in the same game.
- Dick Starr


Number of pitchers:


Top home run victims overall for Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio:
Ruth PRuth HRGehrig PGehrig HRDiMaggio PDiMaggio HR
Rube Walberg17Earl Whitehill14Bob Feller11
Hooks Dauss14Lloyd Brown14Hal Newhouser9
Howard Ehmke13George Blaeholder13Jack Knott9
Lefty Stewart13Rube Walberg11Thornton Lee8
Milt Gaston13Lefty Stewart10Bobo Newsom7
George Uhle12George Earnshaw9Chief Hogsett7
Earl Whitehill11Lefty Grove9Bill Dietrich6
Tommy Thomas11Mel Harder9Buck Ross6
Eddie Rommel10Sam Gray9Sid Hudson6
George Earnshaw10Thornton Lee9
Hod Lisenbee10
Ted Lyons10
Walter Johnson10

These 21 pitchers gave up home runs to Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio:

1Bill Dietrich27615
2Bump Hadley2518
3Carl Fischer3227
4Chief Hogsett15713
5Elden Auker2136
6Fritz Ostermueller2327
7George Uhle124117
8Ivy Andrews1629
9Jack Knott16916
10Jack Russell74112
11Lefty Grove99220
12Monte Weaver3126
13Oral Hildebrand28212
14Red Ruffing3216
15Rube Walberg1711230
16Schoolboy Rowe35412
17Ted Lyons108422
18Tommy Bridges53210
19Tommy Thomas115218
20Vic Sorrell82111
21Wes Ferrell4419

Red Ruffing is in the Hall of Fame because of his pitching for the Yankees but he also pitched for the Red Sox and at age 42 for the White Sox in 1947. Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio all homered off Ruffing, Joe DiMaggio in 1947. Joe's brother Dominic DiMaggio of the Red Sox hit the final home run allowed by Ruffing.

Top home run victims overall for Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle:
Gehrig PGehrig HRDiMaggio PDiMaggio HRMantle PMantle HR
Earl Whitehill14Bob Feller11Early Wynn13
Lloyd Brown14Hal Newhouser9Pedro Ramos12
George Blaeholder13Jack Knott9Camilo Pascual11
Rube Walberg11Thornton Lee8Frank Lary9
Lefty Stewart10Bobo Newsom7Gary Bell8
George Earnshaw9Chief Hogsett7Dick Donovan8
Lefty Grove9Bill Dietrich6Billy Pierce8
Mel Harder9Buck Ross6Chuck Stobbs8
Sam Gray9Sid Hudson6Jim Kaat7
Thornton Lee9Ray Herbert7
Frank Sullivan7
Hal Brown7

Only these 2 pitchers gave up home runs to Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle:

Randy Gumpert1225
Bob Feller311115

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